HELM Power supply system

Flexible transport of measuring, control and media cables

The HELM Power supply system (EZS) offers a perfect prerequisite for flexible, economical and mobile work due to its smooth handling. Hose and cable carriers can be used to transport round and flat cables as well as for flexible hoses and are therefore used across the board for the automation of transport and lift systems.

This system allows measurement and control cables as well as compressed air and fluids to be transported.


  • for power and media supply
  • high mobility
  • high stability under extreme load
  • numerous accessories available


  • ergonomic operation
  • freely suspended construction provides ground clearance
  • controlled safety standards in accordance with VDE and DIN
  • suitable for confined spaces


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Hasselbecker Straße 2 – 4
42579 Heiligenhaus
Monday to Thursday:
8 am – 12 noon and 12:45 pm – 4:45 pm

8 am – 12 noon and 12:45 pm – 2 pm

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